
By Riverdale2

Tenacious Daffodil

The first year I got my greenhouse I didn't really know what to do with it. So as it was quite late in the sowing season when I got it I claimed it was too late to do anything and it stood empty.

During its first winter strong winds blew out one of the panes and it was summer before we got round to replacing it so that was another year lost.

During year three, my husband was horribly ill and all my time was taken up with dealing with that.

During year four, I was horribly ill and couldn't muster the energy or enthusiasm for gardening.

It's now year five of the greenhouse and I'm determined to Do Something With It.

One thing that has grown in it, year after year, however, is this brave daffodil. A bulb must have become trapped under the paving we used for the floor and every year it pokes it's head up and gives me a couple of flowers.

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