Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

No, you are not allowed to eat red squirrels

Tess is on the Golden Wall at school, hurrah! Although she doesn't know why, they forgot to tell her as she was at the dentist when they told everyone else. Hope she and Sam grow up with a healthy regularity of golden wall moments, that they are surrounded by nice friends and strong and happy family ties, and that they aren't burdened by those that aren't, it can make such a world of difference either way.

In other news, here is Thumper sulking and pleading for me to accompany him for a walk in the woods. Ain't happening. He's banned because the red squirrels have moved in and I'm still not able to walk far or fast because my back is having a blip. I did go back to work today to share my zombie cowboy walk with colleagues. Lucky them, though half of them lie on the floor on yoga mats most days to help their chronic back pain so I fitted in really well. Come to think of it, it was most likely one of my last minute stumble trips avoiding one of them sprawled out on a yoga mat that did this to my back. Pfft.

I put away a couple of chairs tonight to help someone at a community meeting without thinking, and too late remembered about my back, I'm paying for it now. What a tattie! I hate being physically restricted, much more practised at being mentally straight jacketed.

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