Homer Takes Flight, London

Day 62 of 365. After a rather fruitless search for a shot for today and, as I was just about to give up, I spotted Homer in the window of this lorry. I really liked how he juxtaposed with the "fighter pilot" in the watch shop window opposite.
Today was another very busy day at work - starting early with no breakfast to try and get my work photography done before the place opened and filled with people. People are the enemy when you have to make sure your shots don't include any! Two of the regular reactions I get when doing this kind of photography are - the people who will walk right in the front of the camera without a second thought while you're trying to take a shot (a tripod, a large SLR and a big camera bag seem to render me invisible!) and the polar opposite where they wave at me through the lens or walk in a comically slow fashion which they think is hilarious. After two or three hours of this my sense of humour has usually failed and I become very, very grumpy!

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