
By FullardDays

This little piggy went to market...

Or rather... 'This little piggy went for a snack' which is what Arthur insisted was the line in the rhyme.

Dad came over as usual this afternoon and never have I been more pleased to see him on a Tuesday . This morning consisted of Annie projectile vomiting and screaming. Arthur, desperate for attention, was being demanding and I just wanted to bury my head in the duvet. But then dad arrived, Arthur relaxed into the warm glow of gwumpa and Annie immediately summoned up a smile. I got to have a cup of tea and a sit down and suddenly all was right in the world. Thank you dad!

After dad had headed off to his governors meeting, we headed off for a walk around the village with the double buggy. A good purchase I think. It really felt like spring with bright sunshine, green shoots and the smell of cut grass thanks to a neighbour on his ride on mower.

Officially exhausted but both kids are tucked up in bed . Hurrah!

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