Quaker Centre, Friends House
Today is one of my days for volunteering in the Quaker Centre at Friends House in London. The main priority is to provide a welcome for visitors to the Centre and help with their enquiries and questions. Sometimes it's things which are fairly straightforward, like people wanting to know where their nearest Quaker Meeting is. Sometimes it's questions like 'Are Quakers Christians?' which need some time for discussion and explanation of our diversity of belief.
Today Friends were coming in to collect copies of the World War 1 Resource Pack for their Meeting; a Friend I'd met before wanted to talk about the Equipping for Ministry course and I was able to share my own experience of starting it this January; and a lady who was brought up in the Catholic faith, in Spain during the Franco era, wanted to learn more about Quakers and find out what happens at a Quaker Meeting. So a varied and quite satisfying day - marred only by an alarm bell that kept going off in the bookshop with an insistent high-pitched tone which rather disturbed our Quakerly quiet!
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