A Ginger's Life

By leviathan616

The Suspicious Man!

Have you ever actually wondered what these workmen have actually been doing?
Well, I actually watched the workmen next door and to be quite frank - not a lot!

However, just before I gave up my spying I noticed something particularly creepy.
I don't actually know what they are doing but I really looks like they were putting a body into my neighbours grass!!

Well, I suppose that might be a bit much and I might be overreacting slightly but still - it makes you wonder!

The main reason I was watching the workmen was because they have been making a awfull racket since early morning until who knows when they will finish!!
The peace and tranquility of my (yes, my villiage) has been distorted!
Ahh, well - its the weekend soon! Get to go to Tesco sometime - YIPPEEE!

Mum is playing around writing some University stuff she needs to get done so the dogs and I have been shut away in a locked room! I think its cruelty but who am I to warp the natural order of the house!?

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