
I stay inside for most of this very cold & icy day but I did venture out to use the better web connection a few blocks away.

This is how Baltimore Avenue looked as I walked home. The downtown buildings in the distance and the trolley have decorated may of my previous blips, but this time I stayed on the sidewalk to capture the signage, the soon-to-vanish newspaper boxes, and the structures across the street.

Abby's Desert Lounge is a miserable gin mill (American English for a bar without qualities; a crappy drinking hole; a dive), and I have never entered it in all these years. Lee's Deli is a good place to get a sandwich or an omelet, but the owners never improve the place. Observe the sign, with "Lee's" covering "Cha's," the name of the previous owner. Lee bought the place about twenty years ago, and signs cost money. I like Lee and his food.

I'll be staying inside tonight with all my cats piled on me.

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