Where do they get this information? Who makes this shit up?!

Ten lifetime partners? They can't be a lifetime partner if you've had ten of them surely?! Don't get me started on the two partners in six months thing... what are they talking about? The misuse of alcohol and drugs is the most likely culprit for mistaken casual sex but for fucks sake... how stupid are the people this is aimed at?

I object wholeheartedly to this sort of shite coming through my door. The travel clinic sent me it with the information regarding the jabs I need for travelling to Morocco. You can bet your ass that I'll be having a lovely chat to them about this particular part of the leaflet when I go for my rabies jab next week. Ha!

While we're on the subject of forced information, on Friday night just after I got home, my doorbell rang. Not the stair door, the actual doorbell on my front door so one of my neighbours must have let them in. God botherers. Now I'm not knocking religion if that's your thing. Knock yourself out but I'm a non-believer and I totally object to them going round doors trying to recruit people.

I answered the door in my PJs and was very polite. I told them with a big smile that they had the wrong person and that I'm quite happy in my life as a sinner. I'm only sorry that I didn't see them coming and answer the door with a huge dildo in my hand! They grimaced slightly and left. I'm actually quite sorry that I didn't ask them to leave the stair and save the rest of my neighbours.

When did that become acceptable? I don't force my choices on other people well apart from you lot reading but you do actually have a choice!? Don't come to my house trying to force your beliefs on me. I'm uninterested. I don't believe and I don't have any desire to be saved. Sometimes I'm almost sorry I was well brought up!

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