Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Kathryn Jennifer Kane

Life Before Blip.

It was such a joy to have another little girl! 2 years and 2 months after my firstborn #2 Daughter came along weighing 3.3 kg. It was an easy birth during the evening with few staff on duty. The midwife got called to assist the other birth and my doctor was left with me.

"Put her on my tummy!" I ordered him. It was a time of women starting to think about how they wanted births to be. He looked at me strangely but, having played rugby, he was able to land the slippery bundle upon me! Only his second delivery in many years of being a GP.

We had chosen a name, but in hospital, I kept calling her Jennifer so we made that her second name. We hadn't considered how we would spell Kathryn and would have had 6 weeks before needing to tell the Registrar but she needed to attend the Infirmary at 4 days old and they would need a name for her file. On the way we wondered how to spell it. I reached for her folder in the back of the car, that settled it, the letter for her appointment had her as Kathryn.

We were happy with that.

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