My Angle

By myangle


He looks scarier than he really is. I bounced the flash off a piece of white paper on a viewing table to light him from underneath. Zohn is a very good artist and the things he draws are quite sinister. So I attempted make him look like one of his drawings. I didn't come close. I made the image a duotone in PS just to lift sone colour out of the black and white. I find it gives me a lot of control over the finshed result.
Zohn is one of the nightshift binders where I work.
1/125th sec, f8, 400ISO, 85mm lens, Canon 350D, bounce flash @ + 1 and 1/2

It rained all day today. We need it here. June has been good as far as rainfall goes. I got out of bed at 10am after a massive night at work, watched Torchwood, had some breakfast, showered, dressed and came to work to start all over again. Bring on the weekend.

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