You either love it

Or hate it
One of charlottes favourite tastes is marmite.
Given half a chance she would eat it out of the jar!

4:30 shouts of daddy, I went as daddy was 2.5 hours drive to work. She didn't settle, I tried stroking, I tried cuddling, I tried cuddles in bed toddler beds are not ideal for grown ups to sleep in, even at my 5.2!, I tried sitting! It tried it all. Eventually she asked for her cot. I was cold so agreed.
She made a break for it, by passed the nursery and climbed into our bed, told daddy to move then promptly fell fast asleep!

She slept through daddy going to work, me going for a wash and getting dressed. I eventually woke her by turning the lights on!!!!!

Work manic, trying to get stuff sorted before I finish.

Home bath etc
Vegetable curry was tasty

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