Time is against me today. It's nearly 7pm and I have 2 reports to write and training to sort before tomorrow. I am also making carrot and coriander soup so I've put the timer on, otherwise I will forget.
At the moment I have a mini iPod open for this quick blip, a work laptop and a personal laptop churning away. It is possible I am microwaving myself as I type this...but then computers don't emit microwaves do they? Or do they?
I sent a virtual essay to one of the examiners today to clarify some things they want me to do to my thesis. I then sent a proposed timetable of staged completion to my tutor...
I didn't get to sleep till about 5am, I am luckily one of those people who never have issues sleeping and, when my head hits the pillow I am out. Last night However I managed to spend 4 hours lying alert in the darkness worrying about EVERYTHING ...the good news is I have realised this was a futile exercise and now I am much more relaxed.
Today 2 people I work for said how happy they were with things I had done for them and how insightful some of my hypothesising had been, this made me smile and was really appreciated. Sometimes I can get so busy with things I sort of forget that people may even think these things. Roll on some helpful, friendly and positive responses from my tutor and examiner. I am most certainly at the stage now where gaining a doctorate is all about stamina....
If the phone rings tonight I am not answering it. Onwards!
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