Blipmeet Flash mob

I had a very enjoyable day at the Photography Show which involved a Blip meet flash mob at lunchtime which was organised by John Gravett. It was really good to meet fellow blippers, and put names to faces and meet new people. It was a slightly chaotic but very enjoyable hour or so and was a nice break from the testing, comparing and buying. It was quite funny when random people started joining in thinking it was a group talk about something. John then invaded the nearby catwalk to take a group blip

My day was rounded off with a spot of shopping including a new 'toy' (you'll be seeing the fruits of this new toy in the next day or so) and then I attended the talk by Colin Prior about his life's work and his future work in the Karokorum Mountains in Pakistan. There were some very stunning images in the talk, especially from Colin's previous trips to the Karokorum.

This is my take on the Blip Flashmob, people standing around chatting while others got potential blips.

So nice to meet everybody, and thanks to John for organising it.

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