
By TheOpenWall

Shining Through

Friday at school was also cool - and then this shiny thing came out in the sky, it made everything warmer and brighter - so we went for a walk and a jog in a nearby forest. Seems there is a lot of it about.

Oh, can you see what that shiny object has done to the landscape, what a star, even if it really lives in L.A., at least it comes up here to visit.

Before we came here we were told it rained off and on for 5 months a year, but not the relentless rain of Seattle. That's true, there are constant breaks in the rain where you can splish and splosh out and about and do things. But when I see trees covered in moss, I am skeptical. What do you think, can trees be covered from head to toe in moss three inches thick on a mere five months of rain. Even the road signs have moss growing on them, but it is fantastically green.

“Oh no,” said a local, seven months at least, then a pause, “that’s if we have a summer”.

Eryn says the moss is there to keep the trees warm.

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