Serendipitous Impressionism and an Unrelated Story

True confessions: this image was not intentional. Somehow I dialed in a small aperture, which resulted in a very long exposure time. My thought was to get a greater depth of field so the whole flower would be in focus. I guess this is what you get with that combo and no tripod.

Some of you may remember my recent blip of the Humanitron, a complex guitar-like instrument that was featured in a gallery exhibit celebrating local luthiers. Last night we were privileged to hear the premier performance, where it was played simultaneously by three accomplished musicians--Fred Carlson, who built the thing out of an amazing array of material, Grammy Award nominated Alex deGrassi, and a fellow whose name I didnt catch. As you can see, there are a lot of strings and a lot of possibilities. The problem for me with trying to blip something that happens late at night is that it's late at night. This is the only way I could think of to share this experience.

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