So Rare...

...To see a cardinal in our area.

As we were making lunch today, I spotted one just outside the kitchen window. I quickly announced, "Everyone freeze, there's a cardinal out there!" Hubs and the dogs stopped in their tracks and did such a good job of assuring that they didn't scare that skittish bird off. I sped down the hall an grabbed my camera, crept back to the window and saw that he was still there! :) The only way to get a good through-the-window shot is to have the lens right ON the window, so I had to get ON the counter and my stool wasn't there... Crap! Well, my legs really aren't long enough to get me there, but somehow, with a super thrust of the toes and a well timed wiggle of the hips I managed to get my bum on the counter - camera in hand. Woo-Hoo! (I don't think I could repeat this.) Then, that second of elation was taken away as the cardinal took off... I pressed my camera to the window anyway, just as he landed on a branch at the limit of my lens and snapped ONE image before he moved on. No time to adjust the settings (I had to go with the guesses I had made on my way to the window) just focus and click. And this is what I got.

The one and only time I've taken a single image in an entire day since starting blip. I've taken just a few of just one subject, but never just one shot... Thank goodness it turned out decent. Even holds up large more or less.

The weekend is wrapping up and I think I'm further behind than when the weekend started... Yikes.

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