Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Ben A'an

SO after slummin' it for the weekend up at the Forest Hills Resort (you think so.....ed), we headed over the Duke's Pass towards Loch Katrine for a wee walk before heading home to pick up the cherubs!!

One of the things that I have missed over the winter is snow....and the lack of the white stuff down near where I live has been most depressing - there has however been an abundance of it up north where the ski resorts are and they have had another great season..with the Aviemore site reporting that the Average depth on the top runs is 900cm!!!

So it was with great delight that I enjoyed the view of the tops of the hills around Loch Katrine having a good smattering of the white stuff - Ben Venue, Ben Ledi and in the distance on the right of this picture....Meall Gainmheich.

I did manage to get a couple of decent shots of Ben Venue before the cloud descended and the rain came on (not good) but my favourite shot was one of my favourite hill that I love to head up .....Ben A'n

Not too much on top..but I loved the way the sun was striking the side of the hill illuminating the area.....Hope you all had a good weekend and I hope next week is a good one too.

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