Just the Withers......

By JaneW

I let her at my hair !!!

Dancing ninja cut my hair off ... About 4 inches or so .... And she has given me a big chunky fringe ... And all swishy choppy layers .... I am very lovely .. I did keep telling Ninja this and for some reason she took to ignoring me... The cheeky bint.
So we had bangers and mash for lunch ... The sausages supplied by Ninja and her pigs ( they were treated well and it shows) Mr W and I also purchased some gammon and other pork associated products ... Also some eggs from Bryns hens .... It's all about buying local isn't it !!!!

Now I have one of my small rants building up in me once more ... What's the go with the miseries in the forum ?? There is a reason I only ever looked a few times when I first joined .. I reminded myself why when directed to yet ANOTHER boring bitching session about the spotlight thingy .. I have the notifications turned off for spotlight and also I do not want stars ... I DONT CARE you see .. I am here for a good time not a critique .. It's my online diary and also where I chat ... Ahhhh well see apparently that's seen as trying to boost replies so one gets into this utterly bizarre spotlight section ...tell me this people I converse with ... Is anyone that pathetic in life they actually whine on a public forum about how they hate the same old names popping up ?? The answer is indeed YES ! I honest to god would never EVER let anyone have the satisfaction of knowing anything on the internet got to me :-0 it's just so,so .. Needy .. I just could not mention it lest someone thought it was sour grapes ... Just to clarify I think the spotlight section is pointless ... However I would never never moan about someone being on it day in day out as if it makes them happy then good ... Blip should just be a KIND HAPPY INTERNATIONAL PLACE .... Be gone pretentious whiners ..

PS it looks as if Ninja is eating my hair not cutting it.

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