Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Lazy days

Had a lie in this morning....till 9 o'clock!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at the clock. After a crappy night sleep it was exactly what I needed :-)
And what's better, when I came downstairs Mr J & P were busy making pancakes yum yum

We have all taken it easy today and didn't get out of our pyjamas till 11 o'clock, but we did manage to pop into town and meet up with grandma and grandad for a spot of lunch. We also got the blinds to go into P's new bedroom (putting them up is a job for next weekend) and Mr J got himself a new shirt for work.

Snugly cuddles this afternoon in front of the tv. Little man even managed an hour nap upstairs in his crib...shame P didn't nap tho.... Think my girl is growing up...

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