Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Not Good

The car is still in the works: our friend car mechanic, G cannot find the fault regarding the fuel getting to the engine. Our car had to be towed to a local garage and won't be looked at till Monday at the earliest. Needs a new battery too. Hoping it aint the fuel pump as they cost a bomb. Dreading the cost........ /:-$

Meanwhile I have been cycling to and fro all over town to get little bits n pieces for people. My legs are feeling sore (played footy lastnight for the first time in ages) and are beginning to stiffen up big time. Then "click" my freewheel (rear hub) started to slip. Though ridable, I still have be wary when pushing hard. Fortunately I have a couple of spare rear hubs: a Sach Quartz or a Shimano STX? Decisions, decisions. Lets hope the nipples/spokes undo nicely for me.

Apart from that, we feel pretty useless as the car sits it the garage, not being able to do anything about it. BUT, I did manage to get some photos sorted for the annual competition (hand-in a week tomorrow). I have prepped 8 images for printing, but will decide on 6 as I have often changed my mind in the last minute in the past.

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