Good Morning . . .

The start of spring, the day the craft shop opens for full days, let the customers descent on us, we are ready! Well, not quite, still having teething problems with the new till but we're getting there!

On my way along to open the shop this morning I spied a seal at the bottom of the slip. No sooner had I got my camera out than these two rather bossy looking inquisitive swans appeared and the seal swam off to observe proceedings from a safe distance.

It was a beautiful day, Postie and I both got home at the same time so had lunch outside, albeit in the shelter of the back door, while Ollie lay at our feet. Mike went back to work, Ollie helped me shifting concrete blocks in the wheel barrow! When I say help, he was acting more as amiable company!

Roast leg of lamb for dinner tonight so J and Scratch came round to help us! J had spent another day forking rotten seaweed off her lawn so she was ready for it! I have tried to do a link to the blip of 11th December but it's not cooperating!

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