Growing old disgracefully



I love the name for this geological feature and the explanation, but I'm afraid it brings out the worst in the Professor, who keeps referring to it as 'the meteorite'. I mean, what kind of university made him a professor? We'd never shown it to the VIP before. He thought we should get a big man to lift it and put it in the museum. I said perhaps we'd need a big crane and a truck as a big man could not lift it. He replied, 'i didn't mean a big man like Grandad, we need a really big man.'

The VIP will be six next month and this week he has his first wiggly tooth. I am beginning to think he needs a more grown up handle on this site - but I haven't come up with one yet.

We had some deliveries to do down by the Loch, where we met my clever big brother*, fed the ducks and let the VIP have a wee shot on his new bike. I tried to capture him as he shot past on it, but the iPhone just couldn't capture that speed. Coffee and home before the rain started. Then we played with Lego and sock puppets, ate sausages and went for a midnight walk. I love VIP days.

* Of course, all of my three big brothers are clever, talented and handsome, but I have to distinguish them here somehow, so this is the clever one.

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