Turkish on Thursday...Italian today.....!

I REALLY hope City LInk's 'casual' comment this morning that my wonderful and much loved Fuji XF1, which sadly presented with a lens control fault again and had to go for repair, could not be found at the collection depot!!! Doesn't that mean LOST? It MAY be in a van somewhere, though I duly replied to their failed delivery notice left on TUESDAY that I would collect it myself TODAY. But never fear, if it IS lost, I can make a claim so won't lose anything.....GRRR. They will better had look for it again and deliver it at my convenience on Monday.

Then we hit endless queues of traffic everywhichway we turned to get to our lunch booking in Oxted. We had to get there via Addiscombe and there were some big hold ups there today!

However, when we arrived, everything was fine! Wonderfully friendly and welcoming restaurant staff, and a delicious meal. D's sister-in-law takes a huge step on Tuesday as she moves house, and we had a very happy and celebratory time with her. I DO like Italian food and my tiramisu dessert was just perfect.

And I just liked this ready made collage of some foods Italian...and a little Fiat car.

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