Tyne Diner

Tyne Diner Open 24 hours

The Intertidal Café - Seafood a speciality!

Dress code Feathers must be worn at all times

What’s on the menu? Here are just a few examples of the local fare

Shoreline and sea creatures

Your bill Sir/ Madam?
The shape of the bird’s bill is indicative of the type of food that it like to eat

We walked along the bank of the Tyne from East Linton past Belhaven Bay to Dunbar and stopped to watch hundreds of birds feeding and resting at high tide here on the Tyne Estuary. The 24 hour café selfservice menu did not appeal to us especially as we would have had to dig or swim for the suggested items on the menu, nor were we wearing feathers so were glad that we had our own picnic.
The board gives a great amount of information about some of the birds and food that they might find in the intertidal zone there.

This was taken from the same location.

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