
By TynvdB

Heavenly Water Mirror

To signal the start of a new month, I bowed this morning towards Aurora and kneeled under the Gardian Oaktree. They of course, absolutely sovereign, followed the course of their own guiding stars. So the proof of my grateful servitude remained within the oddities of my own imagination.

Oddities? Should my yesterday’s journal remarks about “nihilism”, “emptiness” and “dark light” not also be classified under the head “oddities of imagination”? Perhaps some of you even felt irritated: What the H...has all this talking about details of “private religious matter” to do with uploading Blipfoto’s..? At least “speaking loudly” about these matters should be avoided.

No comment said this, that is for sure. And I thank you for that. But nonetheless, I want to reaffirm here every word I said/wrote about my All-in-One approach, including fundamental “Faith” as ultimate groundrelation for creative living/being. Of course I’m not worrying now about the appropriatness of hindsight justification. Why? Because I deeply know I need radical honesty and transparancy here. As fundamental preconditions for my aim in photography and keeping journal. I have to do the best I can in searching for themes that have a core-meaning for me.

They are both part of a broader and deeper “artful” or “poietic” way of living. Poiesis is Greek for productive action in Art. Is this again “Big Words”, irrelevant if we look to the picture of today?
What are we seeing? I do not intend to occupy that free space of interpretation. You are free to tell me what you see. But I will tell you what we did before I took this photo.

Willemien and Me, we made a long walk deep into the Solling Forest. We enjoyed the panorama-view of the Sohnrey Heights. We crossed all over to the “Taufstein” (Baptismal Font, a relict of a vanished mediaeval church) and the silent Forest waters of the Schmeesen-ponds. It felt as if in paradise. As if, we are deeply moved by our Godlike Nature. Very near to the Tree of Life.

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