
By Sox

Orchid Beauty

I have a new laptop a huge mother of a laptop for photography. It arrived yesterday evening and today I have been far more interested in playing with that than my camera, but then when you dont try very hard some magic happens. Maybe it is becuase I was not forcing it, I dont know, but got some very lovely images of this new orchid which also arrived today. Several of them reminded me of icebergs in some way, sort of unreal blue depth and purity of colour and surprising shapes and contours. Software is not fully installed, and mouse is not charged so couldnt completely eradicate dirt specks on some of the photos as patience was not equal to the task, but i loved this one despite its possible improvement with a bit of tweaking in the future.
A new user of lightroom, as of today, i wonder if anyone can help with finding the photos if you put them into the library of lightroom, but then after I have edited with photoshop they seemed to save back into the pictures folder and I couldnt figure out how to put them back into the lightroom library again. sounds stupid, and is stupid, but hey, some of us are! Was frustrating thinking I had this great tool but couldnt quite figure it out.

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