
By dailydoobs

shoot thy neighbour? o so tempting ...

somedays i try with blip, some days i just snap. as i'm going away in the morning this is my assignment effort (C- sir?) ..
The idea sparked evil thoughts,

i could have blipped my grunge loving neighbour but we say good morning through grimaces

then theres my pot smoking DHS living neighbour who celebrates other mind altering drug induced moments by dancing round the street late at night

theres always the alcoholic taxi driver whose parking leaves blip potential

theres the grumpy neighbour who parks his two cars (and occasional speed boat trailer) but moans at any non-residents or people who just happen to live 200 yds round the corner residents that they can't park on a perfectly legal street

weirdly i'm not making it up! i do have some 'normal' neighbours but the others sound much more interesting, so ...

settled on the neighbour directly opposite my house. ATS. Who I have to thank for always being on time for work ... their big metal gate, outdoor radio 1 and hydraulic wheel nut whizzer thingy at 8am makes sure i never oversleep, even on a saturday. And their lovely grumpy faces and dazzling personalities make me glad to be alive. I buy my tyres somewhere cheaper!

I'm leaving this little Oswestry ghetto and maybe I sound a little bitter and cynical? To be honest it hasn't been a bad seven years! met some of the weird and wonderful and had somewhere cosy and warm to live. Which is a heck of a lot more than some.

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