
By Transitoire

Happy Valentines Y'all!

So Thom and I don't "do" Valentines Day. We both think that Valentines Day is more of an excuse day for those that don't try for the rest of the year. I am more than happy to have no Valentines celebrations ever for the rest of my life if it means I get treated as well every day as I do. And if you ask Thom I bet that he would tell you exactly the same thing.

Incidentally, this is Thom and the cat having some bonding time. April comes and finds where people are and sticks with them, which is great procrastination when you're trying to write an essay...which is what we were both trying to do today, followed by getting the train back to Warwick in the early evening.

To be completely honest, we were not thinking positively about getting back to Warwick on time, especially since the transport disruption that had happened the entire week that we were home. Luckily, things were not that bad! I mean, the train we got on at Wigan turned out to be a direct train to Coventry, so although it was on reduced speed and took a lot longer than normal, it wasn't actually that bad as we didn't have to wait in any cold stations for any trains that didn't turn up! On the train our Valentines meal was egg sandwiches that would have stunk out the rest of the carriage, but my god did they taste good! So...sorry, not sorry. And then we had some amazing home-baked flapjacks made by my Mum for the journey.

When we finally made it back to Warwick we ended up in the kitchen with the rest of the gang catching up on the various things that had happened to us during reading week. Not a bad day all in all!

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