Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

A Pet Day - Day 2

Jeeves aka my handsome man
French Lop
Giant Rabbit (think cat plus a bit)
Adopted 24 December 2012

He is a very gentle soul and can be a little bit timid he often spooks himself and charges under the sofa to stomp. He is a house rabbit and along with his brother has the run of the downstairs (they are allowed upstairs supervised) they also have an area outside they are allowed to go. The only time they are ever shut in a cage is at night, their cage is an extra large dog crate.

Rabbits make fab house pets and can be house trained.

Recently Jeeves has started to give me kisses (licks my hand) these are rare and very very precious.

Jeeves loves his sweeties (dried papaya and pineapple).

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