High Tide
9.2C with bright spells. More cloud than yesterday. Breezy.
Apothecary7 set off for work in my little C3 this morning, leaving her own car behind. At 11 am her new Tungsten Silver VW Golf was delivered. There were some papers to sign and then the sales person and I sat in the new car and he went over the differences between the one we had and the new one. All very pleasant. Then he set off back to the showroom in A7's 'old' Golf.
When A7 comes home tonight she will see the new 14 plate Golf in the drive. That will be fun :-)
After lunch Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk. We went round the usual route. Down at the beach the tide was at its highest so we walked along the grass at the back of the beach to the fishermen's huts.
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