Adoration of the Lamb
This morning I visited the Old West Kirk in Greenock. Following on from my meeting in January I had arranged for Ranald MacInnes, Historic Scotland and Dr. Sally Rush, Senior Lecturer in History of Art at Glasgow University to meet with some of the committee.
After looking round the Church and the beautiful stained glass windows we sat down and had a discussion about the possible future for the building.
The group have certainly been given some good advice today and I hope bringing in some expertise will help them make some important decisions in securing the future of this historical building and its priceless stained glass collection.
This is a detail of the large stained glass window "Adoration of the Lamb" which was designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones in 1864. This depicts William Morris as St. Peter and Ford Maddox Brown as St. Paul.
This unique collection of Pre-Raphaelite stained glass windows are definitely of international significance and must be saved.
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