
By shy

Not a chance

On Saturday we held a charitable rock-night in aid of Breast Cancer. There were three groups appearing, but my group had to play without the huge talents of our lead-guitarist (me) as I unfortunately had a more pressing engagement. I'm told that they managed to just get by without me and anyway, the audience were mainly drunk by the time the band went on and so nobody noticed a number of missing notes. The reason I mention this is because there was a raffle that evening for a number of prizes but by the end of the evening there were 5 of them unclaimed - probably because the aforementioned audience were pissed. So all this week, to raise more funds we are re-raffling the unclaimed prizes.
I have bought my tickets and they are valid for all 5 draws. Although I never gamble (?) I am prepared to bet that I don't win anything. I have an excellent provable track-record of never winning anything, and I don't think that unenviable record will be tarnished by the end of the week.
The winner of today's prize is married to a cheese-wholesaler. She won a hamper of food that seemed to me to consist mainly of cheese. She's not too unhappy about it though because she won yesterday's prize as well.
Some people have all the luck.
I have just noticed that if I post an entry on the 24th of this month, I will get a complete line, but I somehow don't think I'll win a Bingo prize. Looking back at previous months - each calendar looks like a failed attempt at Bingo.

Ah well, the prize tomorrow is a pen. Perhaps I'll be lucky.

Thanks to everybody who commented on yesterday's blip. In that respect, I am lucky.

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