Through The Looking Glass, Knightsbridge, London

Day 55 of 365. I had today off (yahoo!) but decided to pop back up to London to see the photography exhibition "Only In England" at the new Media Space in the Science Museum which features photographs by the late Tony Ray-Jones and Martin Parr.
I've always loved Tony Ray-Jones' work and this exhibition featured a selection of his work chosen by Martin Parr (none of which I'd ever seen before) alongside some of his own work. It was an absolutely wonderful show and Martin Parr's black and white work was a revelation (I'm very ambivalent about some of his colour work).
It was tragic that Tony Ray-Jones died so young but his images are so beautifully constructed that you never tire of looking at them, and you always end up seeing something new. I loved one of his rules about his own photography "Don't take boring pictures" - that's so much harder than it seems and he succeeded so many more times in his short career than most of us do in a lifetime.
After the exhibition I was inspired to go and take some black and white shots myself - of which this is one.

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