Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Skiddaw again

Not a bad day today once the hail showers were out the way! Lots of sighs earlier, spent a good half hour on the phone renewing my car insurance, you'd think it would be straight forward really as it was after all just a renewal! They couldn't get my card to work and after two attempts they phoned the bank and it got through by speaking to a human being rather than their automated system. Then shortly afterwards the fraud department rang my mobile, land line and emailed me all within 5 minutes after the transaction. It was very painful going through their security questions, eventually after 10 minutes or so they gave approved the car insurance transaction :) What a palaver and a relief!

The online weather forecast was showing the sun symbol for most of this afternoon and as I had run out of cat food and the nearest supermarket is 10 miles away, I thought I might as well give madam Misty a run on Caldbeck Common and pop into the supermarket on the way home. I wasn't expecting to see any dogs about but just my luck as we started our walk somebody else arrived with a dog and of course it was a boy, an old boy so had to put Misty on the lead for a while to be on the safe side.

I've been wanting to blip this view of Skiddaw for a few weeks now ever since I came across these mounds in the foreground, sorry don't know what they are called. Possible a quarry at one time? Hope you like it.

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