Writer's Block

By writersblock

Sporadic Blipping Lately

Two major projects at work have collided and in the span of one week I've had to write a 3,600 word speech for my boss (= 9 pages double spaced) and edit the copy and design layout of the 27 page magazine.

Today, I turned in the speech (by deadline!) and tonight I worked until 8:30 p.m. to finialize the magazine edits to return to the graphic designer first thing in the morning. In the meantime, other things I've had to neglect have stacked up including, a powerpoint presentation I'm giving tomorrow on media relations (I slammed that together in about 30 minutes), two other speeches for my boss that I haven't started or even begun to research, and little stuff like writing articles for the website. I need an assistant!

So what is left of my creativity has been sucked up by wedding planning and I'm forgetting to take daily photos. I shake my fist!

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