As part of our AS Biology course, we needed to lean about conservation. For this, our science department organised a vist to a local establishment - Shepreth Wildlife Park.
As i also that AS level photography, i decided to take my camera as well. I thought the pictures could help with the presentation when we returned back to school. One of the animals they had were 2 bengal tigers. I shot through the cage side so i apologise for the blurring where my camera tried to focus on the tiger behind.
Afterwards, i taken the photo and edited it through photoshop CS6. Here, i altered the sharpness, levels and the hue/exposure. Next, as a YOLO moment i clicked on the invert button. This was the end result. Not bad if i dont say myself. I actually prefer this to the original.
Comments please :) they really help
YOLO - you only live once moment
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