"At the Vets"

this morning and a brand new "posh" place really big with air conditioning for the Summer (when it comes) as the other place was way too hot and stuffy for us animals!
It seems my colitis has decided to "kick off" again but nothing too serious as I'm eating for England as per usual but Nigel the Vet said anything can trigger it off even though I am on a strict allergy diet so I can carry on eating my usual food (hooray! I thought he was going to say starve me for a couple of days) and I really can't be doing with that nonsense! Anyway I had a thorough examination which included my temperature being taken from you know where and a big steroid jab which should get it all under control quickly and then I have to go back for a follow-up check in 10 days time! Mr OE said he reckons the £59.70 he paid will help pay for their new building but then of course "I'm worth it!"


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