
Yay I remember the name hahaha quite underestimated little
plant but I am very fond of them, I have a white one which isn't
quite out yet. I am early again today I have catch up to do here:-(
then out all afternoon. THANK YOU so very much for your kind
words yesterday you guys never cease to amaze me :-)Leah was
very brave yesterday and when she felt panic coming over her she
heard Isla shouting in the waiting room and that got her through
it, and I do mean shouting the other people waiting had nothing
more to do than take her on, she was smiling and chatting in her
own little way to all of them :-)We have to play the waiting game
now which is a pity as the Liver Specialist said she would get the
results straight away but they said no, so 10 days to wait :-((((
She had to have that Cannula thingy in again and she said it was
very sore this time. I took her for lunch as she was shaky it was
midday and she had had nothing to eat. Then later our oldest G'daughter
came over and bought a couple of curries for supper which was
nice of her, she knows I can manage a fairly hot curry but blimey
it was a madras phew...I managed tho, never known to turn me nose
up at food :-))
Hope your all having a braw day that words for you ST:-))X

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