Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Los Dos Amigos

Recently, a colleague reminded me how lucky I am to have good friends at work. I totally agree. Case in point - Elias and Johnny. Although it may look like they are thumb-wrestling, Elias (with the colorful tie) is shaking Johnny's hand following an auction held to raise money for student scholarships. The Exempt Association where I work auctioned off a very special prize today - an authentic Mexican dinner made by Elias. Johnny was the high bidder and will have dinner with a fortunate group of colleagues. I'm told that the menu will feature a Pipián Verde sauce from an original recipe handed down through generations. Elias told the colorful story of a grandmother who used to be a nun, but met his grandfather and ended up having 17 kids. The Pipián Verde sauce made by his grandmother apparently played a role in the success of his grandparent's relationship!

And to top it all off, on the night of the dinner party, Elias and his lovely wife will be giving salsa dance lessons to the hungry crowd. Boy, do I wish I could go to this dinner party! (hint, hint, Johnny!)

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