
By angrymidget73


Just a short one today! We found the first blossom on our way to school today! And we had beautiful blue skies :)

Commenting on not wanting to visit the hospital this week has tempted fate and a letter dropped on the mat this morning informing me my appt was for this Friday afternoon. After organising kid cover and getting myself picked up after surgery the hospital kindly called to inform me there had been an error and the appt was in actual fact for tomorrow (commence running around like a headless chicken!) still, kicked me up the proverbial and I managed to get more things ticked off the never ending list!

Evening was spent at conkers options assembly. Wow I can't believe he's grown up so quickly! Two more years and he's done with school!! How did that happen!!

Feeling exhausted so off to bed! Hope everyone enjoyed some sunshine today :)

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