Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

On the soap box

I'm on the soap box about soap. Here's the big thing. There is no one big thing. What would make the world a better place is not some great theory but a lot of basic everyday things strung today like beads on a necklace: put them together and it's beautiful. So smiling and meaning it and asking someone how are you? Everyday stuff. And soap not soap in a plastic thing with a mechanism. I mean why? Why put liquid soap in your bathroom with all that plastic and little pumps and damage to the environment? A bar of soap s simple and feels good when you rub it between your hands.

Let's slow the world down and make it simpler. Everyone is in a hurry and it doesn't do us any good. Take time. Don't multi-task. It's a rubbish idea. I could go on. It's late and I'm in the mood to talk all night...

Anyway K went back to Oz tonight and we saw her off at Heathrow...  Fourth time I've been to that airport  in ten days. No more for a while. And Yoga mama is settled in her new home. So lots happening.

Life goes on ...

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