
By Mikey88


On unlocking the back door this morning, it was cold and clear. Not quite a frost, but not far off. Up there in the sky were the Moon and Venus, not far from each other. Out came the tripod and the big lens and I shot off half a dozen shots. I don't know if you can see it if you look at it in large, but Venus is a clear semi circle.

The rest of the day was a bit 'bitty' - lots of little tasks - a trip to the tip to get rid of some things which my daughter had cleared out of her room and dumped into her brother's room; a bit of tidying up around the pond and the path into a corner of the garden and I even hung out a line of washing for the first time this year.

More flowers are coming out in the garden - narcissi are opening and there are buds on the flame plant and rhododendrons.

On the downside, my thigh on the leg where I had my first hip replacement has been quite painful. I have done a lot of walking over the last week or so, so I'm hoping that it's just the effects of that and it will start to ease if I rest it a bit. If it doesn't, it may be that the replacement is beginning to wear out. I have had it for thirteen years, now.

I'm going try for an early night tonight.

Hopefully you have all enjoyed the spring weather which we have had today.

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