Accident book :-( xxx
Debbie wasn't in nursery today, so I handed Eva to Natalie this morning and she did start to cry a little bit :-( I walked out as Natalie was trying to distract her.
Today's nursery daily diary entry...
Date: 19/2/14
Key worker: (Buddy) Hayley
Breakfast: weetabix and toast
Snack: pear and raisins
Lunch: chicken hot pot then a yoghurt
Tea: cheese and crackers
Bottles: 12 drank all, 2 drank all
Sleep: 12.20-1pm
Nappies: 10w, 12ch, 2w, 4w
Activities: Eva has had lots of fun getting messy in the shaving foam today.
Key worker comment: accident book
Dani explained that Eva had had to go in the accident book again today, as she was sat playing with the toy phone with another child and a little boy just went up to her and pushed her backwards so her head hit the lino she was sitting on :-( . Dani said she only cried a bit and her head wasn't red and she didn't have a lump, but they gave her lots of cuddles and held a cold compress on her head :-(. Dani said that the little boy has now moved to a different room as they think he has outgrown the baby room which could explain his behaviour, I said "Good riddance" to Dani lol, but did quickly say I was only joking. My poor babba girl :-(.
Eva had beef stew for tea, then Mike bathed her while I went out to see Thor, then went up to give her lots of milk and cuddles under the covers in our bed and she was tucked up, fast asleep, in her cot by 8pm snuggled up with Igglepiggle and her 2 Snuggle bears xxxx
I didn't take a photo of Eva today :-( so I've used the photo of the beautiful Valentine's present she made for me and her Daddy at nursery last week xxxx
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