the little world of me

By MrsCuppaT

weigh in

A couple of years ago I entered a biggest loser competition at the gym. I didn't win, I was knocked out in the first round but really enjoyed the whole competition, making some good friends.

Anyway, things have happened over the time between, that meant I got out of the habit of going to the gym and quite easily got into the habit of eating cake, biscuits and choc!

The comp is having a reunion. Starting last Tuesday we are holding the comp again for 10 weeks and this time no one is eliminated! We are all in it to the bitter end ...

One week in and have managed to loose 6lb, which is nearly half a stone, hence my blip. I was completely and utterly chuffed with this result after only one week!

Just shows what cutting out junk food, going to the gym regularly (5 times a week!) and eating 1200 calories a day can do. Its hard when you want a drink at the weekend, making sure you save enough calories! although I have found a cheaper (calories) option to vodka and coke - Vodka and bitter lemon. 1oz vod and 250ml bitter lemon is only 65 calories!!!

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