Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Return to Work

Suffocating. After 13 days away from work today saw a return to collar and tie rather than the relaxed dress of the holiday.

Despite equality and diversity there is still an unwritten guideline that men in our organisation wear a suit (or jacket and trousers), collar and tie. I try to conform, but in an increasingly feminine dominated workplace there feels to be a distinct lack of equality in dress code between the genders. We rarely are allowed to dress down, something that appears common practice on Friday's in some organisations. This was a subject of discussion on holiday, where a couple worked in the banking sector and it was similarly noted that this relaxation of dress code was not always condoned, even when company policy allowed it at other sites.

Anyway, I survived and despite my mailbox having filled up within 4 days of me leaving for holiday, I still had almost 200 emails to wade through. I have now complated my year 'acting up' and have returned to my substantive role as a team leader. Roll on the next holiday!

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