
By DaisyMoo

Tyres Rrrrr

Unfortunately due to not having a dropped kerb at the bottom of our drive I have to blow my tyres up every 3 days and every 2 months pay to get the rim leak sorted. So I left work after a very stressful day and had to rush over to the tyre place by where we live to get the rim leak sorted again. It would have been cheaper to get the kerb dropped than all these visits to the tyre place. Rant over!

I went to 4 meetings one after each other today and came out with more work from each one to the point I don't know where to begin. The pay system in nursing is so unfair as my Band 6 nurses take home more money than me with their enhancements hence the reason I drive round in an old mini with rubbish tyres and they have Audi's and Mercedes cars! Another rant over!

Can you tell I have one on me today?

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