Week One, Take One!

There are quite a few challenges on Blip. Ones like Monochrome Monday, linking songs to a photo, alphabetical blips etc.
I think they're quite a good idea as it gives you something to focus on.
(Sorry about the pun.
But not very!)
I decided to set myself a challenge.
My first idea was to blip peanuts in different locations and this photo would have satisfied the entrance criteria!
However, I decided that my challenge will be to blip two different birds a week. Actually, I've refined that to two different species of birds a week.
I reckon I will manage about six weeks before I struggle, but we will see.
Here is my first bird, a rather charming Bluetit.
I wonder if you will like this little birdsong?
I rather do, but then I rather like Kasey Chambers albums.

Sent from my iPad

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