Camera Collection

This collection of cameras hangs on the wall at a nearby movie theater. The theater was renovated last year and this display is in the bar/cafe area which is really quite nice. Drinks are permitted in the theater as well, so I was able to enjoy a beer as I floated in space with Clooney and Bullock, enjoying "Gravity" on the big screen. From a technical standpoint, it was a mind blowing piece of work. You ARE in space! Loved the sound work, and the story was good too. I had heard the closing soundtrack piece with Katherine Ellis's amazing vocal work before I saw the film, but I was not prepared for how powerful it was at full volume. It gave me chills. Well done Katherine!!

I'm a bit disappointed that this iPhone snap is so blown out in the middle. It was a quick shot before we left the building and it looked ok on the phone. Guess I'll have to go back with my camera for a beer and a blip.

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