Snow Jay

More snow in large... around here, there just seems to be more snow no matter what you do! lol

I have to share two things:

Yesterday's Brilliant Move - Avoiding an accident. A giant truck was tailgating me on an icy road and I had had enough. So I pulled over and let him pass. Less than a 1/4 mile later he caused an accident! Bullet dodged!

Yesterday's Bonehead Move - I caused a major migraine. When I popped into the grocery store, I tossed my coat into the cart to do my shopping... Oooops. Someone had spilled perfume in the cart and my coat soaked it up. (Major mistake, as perfume is a HUGE migraine trigger for me.) Now I'm coatless in 10(F) degree blizzard like weather... Ugh. Then comes the migraine. Hence the quick blip last night and not many shots today. But I think I got lucky as I'm feeling a bit better already tonight. :))

Of the two... I'm glad to have avoided the accident!

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