A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93


This is a wonderful drawing of me as a giraffe by my awesome boyfriend sent to all of his friends (including me) as a snapchat. I love giraffes....I shall have to see one some day!

I've had a lazy day (but fun) with Rory due to the sucky weather. We were meant to go out for a cycle but it was so rainy and windy that it wouldn't have been enjoyable! Instead we went into Gala for lunch and with the intention of going to the cinema but ended up spending the same amount of money on two DVDs to watch instead.

Lunch was lovely. Rory treated me to Quinn's which is one of my favourite lunch places! We had some burgers which I loved but Rory wasn't so keen on, but I couldn't tell you the last time I had a proper butchers burger!

We headed home (via Halfords) to fit wind screen wipers on my brother's car and then to Rory's to watch the two films we got (The Fifth Estate and Les Mis). The Fifth Estate was good, but left both Rory and myself incredibly confused. I suppose we would have understood more if we knew about the particular WikiLeaks scandal it was centred around, but nevermind. Les Mis was just as awesome as the first time around in the cinema! I want to see it in the theatre so badly!!

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